1 Start 2 Complete
Key: 1 = Poor - 5 = Excellent
The quality of Dr. Yeung's presentation "Spirituality and Mental Health, the Perspectives of Chinese Americans" met or exceeded my expectations.
The quality of Dr. Chopra's presentation "Spirituality and Mental Health among South Asians in the United States" met or exceeded my expectations.
The quality of Dr. Pederson's presentation "Spirituality and Mental Health among Black People" met or exceeded my expectations.
The quality of Dr. Espi Forcen's presentation "Spiritual Practices among Hispanic/Latin Americans" met or exceeded my expectations.
Key: 1 = Strongly disagree - 5 = Strongly agree
I am able to discuss how to integrate religion and spirituality in providing mental health care to Chinese Americans.
I am able to discuss how to integrate religion and spirituality in providing mental health care to Black Americans.
I am able to discuss how to integrate religion and spirituality in providing mental health care to South Asian Americans.
I am able to discuss how to integrate religion and spirituality in providing mental health care to Hispanic/Latin Americans.
For APA Accrediation: Psychologists, please answer the following two questions:
Key: 1 = Very little - 5 = A great deal
Key: 1 = Not useful - 5 = Extremely useful
Key: 1 = Strongly Disagree - 5 = Strongly Agree, N/A for uni-professional audience
Key: 1 = Strongly Disagree - 5 = Strongly Agree, N/A for uni-professional audience
Key: 1 = Strongly Disagree - 5 = Strongly Agree
Key: 1 = Strongly Disagree - 5 = Strongly Agree
Key: 1 = Strongly Disagree - 5 = Strongly Agree
Key: 1 = Strongly Disagree - 5 = Strongly Agree
Key: 1 = Not Likely - 5 = Very Likely