Module 1 Accelerated PA Certificate Program

September 9, 2024 to December 9, 2024
Course summary
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Course closes: 
Event starts: 
09/09/2024 - 8:00am EDT
Event ends: 
12/09/2024 - 11:59pm EST


Massachusetts General Hospital Orthopedic and Sports Medicine

Specialty Certificate Program

September 2024 - May 2025

TERM 1 – NURS 602 Musculoskeletal Essentials I

TERM 2 - NURS 604 Musculoskeletal Essentials II

TERM 3 – NURS 606 Musculoskeletal Essentials III

Date Topics/Readings Outcomes/TopicsTopics Assignments/Readings 
WEEK 1IntroductionUnderstand the course structure/syllabusElbow and Forearm – Overview, Pain Diagrams, AnatomyEssentials of Musculoskeletal Care
9/9/2024 Musculoskeletal anatomy – Focus on upper extremitiesDemonstrate knowledge of the anatomy of the upper extremitiesSection 2, pages 322-329
  Hand and Wrist- Overview, Pain Diagrams, AnatomySection 3, pages
    Section 4, 496-504
WEEK 2 Musculoskeletal anatomy- focus on lower extremities and spineDetermine the anatomy of the lower extremities and spineHip and thigh - Overview, Pain Diagrams, AnatomySection 5 pages 628-636
9/16/2024   Knee and Lower Leg – Overview, Pain Diagrams, AnatomySection 6-Pages 720-732
   Foot and Ankle – Overview, Pain Diagrams, AnatomySection 7 - Pages 858-866
   Spine - Overview, Pain Diagrams, AnatomySection 8 - Pages 1018-1032
WEEK 3Musculoskeletal physiologyDemonstrate an understanding of muscle, bone, ligament and cartilage physiology. Article posted in: Readings & Resources
WEEK 4Physical assessment of the musculoskeletal system – focus on the history and mechanism of injuryDemonstrate methods to perform an accurate and thorough history from a patient with a musculoskeletal complaintOverview of General Orthopedics and Principles of Musculoskeletal Evaluation Essentials of Musculoskeletal Care
9/30/2024 Sports Medicine Evaluation and Management PrincipalsSection 1 Pages 7-14 
    Section 9 – pages 1272-1274
WEEK 5 Physical assessment of the musculoskeletal system – focus on the upper extremitiesExhibit methods for assessing the upper extremitiesPhysical Examination of the ShoulderSection 2 - Pages 324-329
10/7/2024  Physical Examination of the Elbow and Forearm336-346
   Physical Examination of the Wrist and HandSection 3 – Pages 434-445
    Section 4 – Pages 498-516
WEEK 6 Physical assessment of the musculoskeletal system – focus on the lower extremitiesLearn methods for assessing the lower extremitiesPhysical Examination of the Hip and ThighSection 5 - Pages 630-636
10/14/2024  Physical Examination of the Knee and Lower Leg644-650
    Section 6- 724-732 and 738-748
WEEK 7 Midterm Exam   
WEEK 8 Diagnosing conditions of the musculoskeletal system – focus on congenital factors and the pediatric patientUse critical thinking and inductive and deductive reasoning to diagnose congenital conditions of the musculoskeletal systemPediatric OrthopedicsSection 9 - Pages 1120-1133
WEEK 9Diagnosing conditions of the musculoskeletal system- focus on overuse injuries and conditionsAppropriately use subjective and objective information to diagnose overuse injuries and conditions.Overuse, overtraining syndromeArticle posted in: Readings & Resources.
11/4/2024   Throwing InjuriesSection 1 200-213
   Dance Injuries to the foot and ankleSection 2 Pages 392-398
    Section 7 Pages 923-927
WEEK 10 Diagnosing conditions of the musculoskeletal system- focus on traumatic upper extremity injuriesDemonstrate the ability to accurately diagnose upper extremity traumatic injuries and conditions.ShoulderSection 2 – Pages 323-329, 336-346, 347-349, 356-357, 363-364, 367-369, 370, 373-374, 376-378, 380-381, 383-384, 399-401, 406-407, 409-411, 418-419, 423-424
11/11/2024  Elbow and ForearmSection 3
    434-445, 446-448, 452-453, 455-456, 458, 461-462, 464-466, 474-475, 479-481, 486-487, 488-490
WEEK 11Diagnosing conditions of the musculoskeletal system- focus on lower extremity injuriesDefine the diagnoses for lower extremity traumatic injuries and conditions.Hip and ThighSection 5 – Pages 630-636, 644-650, 651-652, 655-656, 658-660, 662-663, 666-668, 670-672, 676-677, 679-680, 703-704, 706, 708-710 
11/18/2024  Knee and Lower LegSection 6- Pages 722-732, 738-748, 749-751, 760-763, 767-770, 776-779, 783-786, 789-791, 799-801, 806-808, 818-819, 821-823, 826-828, 838-839, 841-843
WEEK 12 Diagnosing conditions of the musculoskeletal system- focus on spinal injuriesIdentify the conditions and injuries to the spineSpineSection 8 – Pages
11/25/22024Wrist and hand and foot and ankle Hand and Wrist1020-1032, 1038-1054, 1055-1056, 1057-1059, 1060-1061,1065-1067, 1070-1071, 1073-1074, 1076-1077,1082-1083, 1088-1090, 1092-1094, 10-96-1097, 1099-1100, 1107-1108, 1109-1110
   Foot and AnkleSection 4 Pages 498-516, 521-523, 527-528, 532-533, 536-537, 539-541, 547, 550-551, 571-572, 573-574, 576-577, 580-582, 585-586, 588-590, 
    445-447, 450-452, 455-456, 459-465, 470-471, 474-476, 483-489,493-514, 517-527, 531-539, 542-547, 560-562, 563-566, 597-598, 599-600, 608-610, 614-615, 
    Section 7 Pages 
    861-866, 873-887, 892, 898-899, 906-908, 912-913, 915-916, 935-936, 938-939, 941. 944-945, 947, 949-950, 953-955, 956-957, 963-964, 968-969, 975-977, 990-992, 994-995, 1001-1002, 1004-1006, 1013
WEEK 13 Diagnosing conditions of the musculoskeletal system – focusing on infectionsDemonstrate diagnosis of infections of the musculoskeletal systemOsteomyelitis Section 1- Pages 119-119, and 122-124
12/2/2024  Septic ArthritisPages 38-40
   Lyme DiseasePages 553-556
   Fingertip InfectionsPages 568-569 
   Flexor Tendon Sheath InfectionsSection 4. Pages 517-520 and 594-596
   Bite wounds 
WEEK 14Final Exam   
WEEK 15 IntroductionUnderstand the course structure/syllabus 

Armstrong and Hubbard Section 1 Pages 109-117
12/16/2024RadiographyOverview of Imaging Principles and Techniques Readings and/or viewings posted IN Readings & Resources.
  Demonstrate knowledge of xray/radiographs.  
WEEK 16 RadiographyDemonstrate understanding of magnetic resonance imagery (MRI) and magnetic resonance imagery with arthrogram(MRA) Readings and/or viewings posted IN Readings & Resources. 
WEEK 17 RadiographyDemonstrate an understanding computed tomography (CT) Readings and/or viewings posted IN Readings & Resources.
WEEK 18RadiographyDemonstrate an understanding ultrasound (US). Readings and/or viewings posted IN Readings & Resources.
WEEK 19 RadiographyDetermine when other studies are necessary, including Bone Scan, DEXA scan and PET scan Readings and/or viewings posted IN Readings & Resources.
WEEK 20 Midterm Exam   
WEEK 21ManagementLearn how to manage upper extremity (shoulder and elbow) injuries and conditions. Section 2 Armstrong and Hubbard
2/10/2025   Pages 347-350,356-358, 363-386, 399-402, 406-414,418-420,423-425
    Section 3
    446-449, 452-468,474-476, 479-482,486-490
WEEK 22ManagementDescribe how to manage lower extremity (hip and knee) injuries and conditions. Section 5
2/17/2025   651-684, 688-690, 694-696, 701-710, 
    Section 6
    749-753,760-763, 767-771,776-779, 783-796, 799-804,806-814, 818-829, 833-835, 838-844
WEEK 23ManagementIdentify the management strategies for general musculoskeletal injuries and conditions. Section 1
2/24/2025 CAM for Osteoarthritis Pages 25-68,80-87
WEEK 24ManagementLearn how to manage acute and chronic spine injuries and conditions. Section 8
3/3/2025 Management of hand and wrist injuries and conditions. 1055-1068, 1070-1079, 1082-1085,1088-1101, 1107-1111
  Management of foot and ankle injuries and conditions. Section 4
    521-524,527-529,532-533, 536-542,547-548,550-552, 563-567, 571-591
    892-894, 898-901, 906-909, 912-913, 914-918, 935-958963-0965,968-969, 975-978,985-987,1004-1006,1013-1014
WEEK 25 ManagementManagement and treatment for pediatric congenital and traumatic injuries and conditions Section 9 
3/10/2025   Pages:  
    1134-1159, 1172-1196,1201-1271
WEEK 26 Health MaintenancePrescribe and recommend the best practices for Diet and nutrition in prevention or health maintenance for patients with musculoskeletal injuries and conditions. Section 1 Pages:  
3/17/2025  Osteoporosis Readings posted in Readings & Resources. 
    Section 1 Pages:  189-198
WEEK 27 On-Campus Workshop Day   
WEEK 28 Health Maintenance/ Injury PreventionDescribe the mechanisms to prevent overuse injuries – throwing programs, return to running or return to play Section 1 Pages: 
3/24/2025  Sports related Concussion 200-213
    Section 2 
    Section 1
    Page 275
    Section 1 pages 69-78
WEEK 29 Health MaintenanceIdentify safety for patients to avoid musculoskeletal injuries and conditions, and recommend physical activity Section 1 Pages: 
3/31/2025    127-135 and 165-176
WEEK 30 Final Exam   
WEEK 31 Introduction to MSK III andUnderstand the course structure/syllabus Weekly discussion board post and case study.
4/14/2025 Practice models overviewDemonstrate knowledge practice models.  
WEEK 32Soft tissue injections/ joint aspirations and injectionsDescribe the process of joint injections and aspirations and indications and contraindications for these interventions Corticosteroids Pages 92-94 and 454
4/21/2025    Adverse effects 688-689
    Adhesive capsulitis 312
    Subacromial bursa 325-326
    Rheumatoid arthritis 52
    Knee arthritis 680
    Viscosummplementation 680
    Shoulder impingement 3320
    Thumb CMC joint 453-454
    AC joint injections Pages 289-290
    Ankle 812-813
    Carpal tunnel 468-469
    Knee 675-677
    MCP/PIP  448-449
    Pes anserine bursa 690-691
    Shoulder 316-317
    Wrist 457-458
    Weekly discussion board post and case study
WEEK 33 Casting, splintingDescribe the process of joint and fracture reduction and patient indications.  Review complications. Weekly discussion board post and case study.
4/28/2025 Fracture and dislocation reductionIdentify principles of casting and techniques for applying immobilization.  
  Determine best practices for suturing, immobilization  
WEEK 34SuturingReview for some, new information for others on suturing Weekly discussion board post and case study.
WEEK 35Scope of practiceDemonstrate a keen knowledge of the scope of practice for the NP, PA and MD/DO, PT, ATC Weekly discussion board post and case study.
5/12/2025  Discuss the role of first assisting in the operating room, including review of sterile technique. View voiced over ppt and material posted in Readings & Resources.
WEEK 36CertificationIdentify certifying bodies for the specialty of orthopedics Weekly discussion board post and case study.
5/19/2025    View voiced over ppt and material posted in Readings & Resources.
WEEK 37Final ExamTake 3 times, the highest of the 3 scores will be recorded.  

Note: Continuous Improvement:

The contents of this syllabus may be added to, deleted from, or altered if the faculty believes it is necessary to achieve the course objectives. New material appropriate to contemporary practice may be added by the instructor during the course.

Course Components:

  • Weekly Discussion Boards
  • Weekly Case Studies
  • Midterm Exam
  • Final Exam

Karen M. Myrick, DNP, APRN, FNP-BC, ONP-C, FAAN

Karen M. Myrick, DNP, APRN, FNP-BC, ONP-C, FAANP, FAAN, is a distinguished Professor of Nursing and Clinical Professor of Medicine, renowned for her unparalleled expertise in orthopedics and sports medicine. Serving as the track coordinator for a Post-Master's Orthopedics and Sports Medicine Certificate program for Nurse Practitioners and Physician Assistants, Dr. Myrick shapes the future of healthcare professionals with her extensive knowledge and experience.

In addition to her academic roles, Dr. Myrick maintains an active clinical practice as a nurse practitioner in an orthopedic urgent care setting, where she provides exceptional care to patients with various musculoskeletal injuries, including hip conditions.

With a profound commitment to advancing healthcare through research, Dr. Myrick's focus on athletes and sports medicine has garnered multiple grants, enabling her to pioneer innovative approaches in clinical health assessment. Notably, she has authored and edited several authoritative textbooks, solidifying her status as a thought leader in the field. Dr. Myrick's groundbreaking work includes the development, testing, and publication of a novel physical examination technique for diagnosing hip labral tears, revolutionizing diagnostic practices in orthopedic care.

Outside of her professional endeavors, Karen is a dedicated triathlete, martial artist, and runner, embodying the synergy between her personal interests and professional expertise. Her passion for an active lifestyle underscores her deep understanding of the biomechanics and rehabilitation of hip injuries, enriching her contributions to both research and clinical practice.


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