Edward Wang, M.S.,Psy.D.

Assistant Professor of Psychology-part time (Psychiatry) at Harvard Medical School Director of Policy and Program Development, Chester Pierce, M.D. Division of Global Psychiatry, Massachusetts General Hospital
Dr. Wang’s domestic and international work focuses on policy, program and practice to improve the social and emotional well-being of youth, adolescents and young adults, strengthening families and community wellness through the investment of social justice, evidence-based and community-driven evidence, informatics, networks and sustainability.
As a clinical psychologist, he was the Co-Acting Director of Mental Health at South Cove Community Health Center in Boston, Chief Clinical Officer of Tri-County Mental Health in Ohio and the Director of Community Services, Metro Boston and retired from public services as the Director of the Office of Multicultural Affairs, Massachusetts Department of Mental Health.
As the Director of Policy and Planning, Division of Global Psychiatry, Massachusetts General Hospital, his work includes the development of Liberia National Mental Health Policy and policy on children and adolescents, Project One Billion Global Mental Health Survey, UNICEF China Child Friendly School, Grand Challenges Canada Children’s Mental Health in Kenya, Harvard and Shanghai Mental Health Center Observership on integrated care, Certificate Program of the Harvard Program in Refugee Trauma on global mental health policy and culturally competent care, AI chat-bot technology for management of traumatic stress, mental health recovery of post hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico.
Dr. Wang serves on advisory boards and technical assistance centers including being the first Asian American psychologist appointed to the National Advisory Council, Substance Abuse Mental Health Services Administration, invitee to the White House National Conference on Mental Health and the White House Asian American Pacific Islander Commission on Depression and Suicide Prevention.
Born in Hong Kong, Dr. Wang is the President of the National Asian American Pacific Islander Mental Health Association that developed the national blue-print for integrated care. His most recent publication in Asian American Policy Review reflects his journey of public stewardship on Asian American and Pacific Islander mental health.