Nur Hani Zainal, MS

Nur Hani Zainal, M.S., is a clinical fellow in psychology at the Harvard Medical School - Massachusetts General Hospital and Ph.D. candidate at the Pennsylvania State University. She recently accepted a two-year postdoctoral research fellowship at the Harvard Medical School. Her research program focuses on how executive functioning, mindfulness, cognitive behavioral strategies, and psychoneuroimmunology link to the etiology, maintenance, and treatment of anxiety and depressive disorders. To achieve these aims, she uses a variety of approaches and datasets. These include cross-sectional and longitudinal surveys, basic science experiments, ecological momentary assessments, and prospective cross-panel designs. To this end, she hopes to make novel and strongly positively impactful contributions to basic science and translational clinical science research and practice. Hani also received the National University of Singapore (NUS) - Overseas Graduate Scholarship which places her on track to serve as a faculty member at NUS responsible for research, teaching, and clinical supervision by mid-2024.
Financial relationships
Type of financial relationship:There are no financial relationships to disclose.Date added:07/19/2022Date updated:07/19/2022