Module-IV: Prevalence, Presentation, Assessment, & Management (Part-I)
1) Overview
- Historical Perspective (Under-recognition, Prescribing patterns)
- Prevalence of psychiatric disorders
- Emotional Dysregulation in Autism
3) Anxiety
Learning Objectives
- Describe the historical perspective on the diagnosis and treatment response of psychopathologies associated with autism.
- Analyze the burden of psychiatric disorders associated with autism.
- Discuss the psychopathological profile most frequently associated with autism.
- Identify the overlap between ASD and ADHD.
- Explain the difference the constellation of symptoms in each of these disorders.
- Demonstrate knowledge about therapeutic approaches to manage ADHD in the context of ASD.
- Emphasize the burden of anxiety in intellectually capable populations with autism.
- Address the unique clinical presentation of anxiety in individuals with autism.
- Apply the approach to manage anxiety in autism populations.
Module-IV: Prevalence, Presentation, Assessment, & Management (Part-I) [Q&A with Joseph Biederman, GJ]
- OVERVIEW – Gagan Joshi, MD
- Historical Perspective (Under-recognition, Prescribing patterns)
- Prevalence of psychiatric disorders
- Emotional Dysregulation in Autism
- ADHD – Joseph Biederman, MD
- ANXIETY – Gagan Joshi, MD