Dhuval Bhanusali, MD

Dr. Bhanusali is a dermatologist, researcher, and laser surgeon based out of New York City, both in private practice at Hudson Dermatology and Laser Surgery, as well as teaching at Mount Sinai Hospital in NYC.
After being accepted into medical school at the age of 17, Dr. Bhanusali started a rigorous path, dedicating himself to the advancement of medicine. His research has been published in top journals and he has presented his work around the world. Having been featured in outlets such as People, Daily Mail, Buzzfeed, YAHOO!, Elite Daily, the Atlantic, and others, Dr. Bhanusali is regularly called on by media outlets for his expertise. His humanitarian efforts and remarkable results have been featured on ABC, FOX and others. His digital health pursuits led to features in Forbes and was recently recognized as one of Crain's New York's top 25 Healthcare innovators. Read more about Dr. Bhanusali in the about section