CSAT: Cultural Formulation Interview
Welcome to the CSAT: Cultural Formulation Interview!
This learning tool teaches clinicians current standards for culturally informed psychiatric interviewing. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, 5th Edition and 5th Edition, Text Revision (DSM5 TR) includes an Outline for Cultural Formulation (OCF) and a Cultural Formulation Interview (CFI) which aims to improve culturally sensitive diagnosis and treatment by focusing clinical attention on the patient's perspective and social context. Please view the interview with the patient Lorena and her mother and answer the questions using the resources provided.
There is no time limit. You may watch and re-watch if you wish as you respond to these questions:
- Please describe the patient’s explanatory model of illness (individual’s understanding of the problem based on their ideas about cause and mechanism, page 3, supplementary module). How does this differ from the patient’s mother’s understanding of her daughter’s symptoms?
- What additional information might you ask the patient using the Cultural Formulation Interview (CFI)? Please give 3 questions you might ask this patient.
- The Cultural Formulation Interview (CFI) also includes modules for family members. Using the informant version of the CFI, what additional questions do you have for the mother and family? Please give 3 questions you might ask the mother.
- Given the information available in the interview, please provide a differential diagnosis (in list form). Include any relevant Cultural Concepts of Distress.
- Recognizing that you have a limited amount of information from this video, please provide a brief rationale for either an outpatient or inpatient level of care (choose one or the other; this measure is assessing your rationale, not your choice).
- Thinking in a culturally sensitive way, please provide an additional treatment recommendation you might suggest to the patient and her mother?
Please keep your responses brief. There is a 75-word limit for each response.