The Interface Between Physical & Mental Health (Cohort 3 - Do not use)



Q&A with Faculty

Zoom link for all Q&A sessions




Aude Henin, PhD


April 7th

Eric Hazen, MD


Aude Henin, PhD


April 14th

Eric Hazen, MD


Aude Henin, PhD


April 21st

Eric Hazen, MD


Aude Henin, PhD


April 28th

Eric Hazen, MD


Aude Henin, PhD


May 5th

Eric Hazen, MD


Aude Henin, PhD


May 12th

Eric Hazen, MD


Aude Henin, PhD


May 19th

Eric Hazen, MD


Aude Henin, PhD


June 2nd

Eric Hazen, MD


Final Exam Schedule


On-Site Workshop: June (TBA) Riyadh

Target Audience

This program is intended for professionals from different disciplines related to child mental health. This includes physicians, psychologists, social workers, licensed mental health counselors and nurses.

Learning Objectives

By the end of this program, participants will be able to:

Lecture 1

  • Describe global mental health care delivery as a field of study, and its relevance to children and adolescents living in low resource settings
  • Explain systems of care, humanitarian crisis response, and task sharing
  • Discuss the framing of child and adolescent mental health concerns in the broader context of global challenges to mental health care

Lecture 2

  • Identify the need and the value of the field of Mental Health and Psychosocial Support (MHPSS) to the care of children and adolescents across settings 
  • Describe international evidence-based guidelines on MHPSS
  • Discuss the limitations of the MHPSS approach in systems design for the long-term

Lecture 3

Lecture 4

  • Explain Psychological First Aid in practice
  • Describe resources to develop PFA practices in context
  • Discuss the limitations of PFA for longer-term support

Lecture 5

  • Explain Psychological First Aid in practice for children and adolescents
  • Describe resources to develop PFA practices in context for children and adolescents
  • Design a language for teaching PFA to others

Lecture 6

  • Discuss the conceptual basis and practical need to task sharing in mental health care delivery
  • List evidence behind effectiveness of mental health care delivery by non-specialists 
  • Describe WHO’s mhGAP Intervention Guide, and associated technical resources

Lecture 7

  • Describe the state of ECD globally, and critical competencies for frontline workers to be trained on to effectively deliver early childhood interventions
  • Identify effective ways to promote demand for early childhood interventions in health systems, local communities, and large-scale services
  • Discuss approaches we can use to design early childhood interventions in partnership with communities and health workers

Lecture 8

  • Explain how concepts in this course could be used to envision new kinds of mental health services for care of children and adolescents 
  • Discuss comprehensive, collaborative, community-based systems for youth mental health, facilitated through several case studies
  • Identify barriers, ways in which barriers were overcome, and opportunities for advocacy and action
Course summary
Registration opens: 
Course closes: 


The Interface Between Physician & Mental Health

العلاقة بين الصحة الجسدية والنفسية


Introduction: The Interface Between Physical and Mental Health – April 7th 11:00 AM EST

مقدمة في العلاقة بين الصحة الجسدية والنفسية

Eric Hazen, MD


Common Emotional and Psychological Problems in Medically Ill Children – April 14th 11:00 AM EST

المشاكل العاطفية والنفسية الشائعة لدى الأطفال المصابين بأمراض عضوية

Eric Hazen, MD


Stress, Trauma, and Medical Care – April 21st 11:00 AM EST

التوتر، الصدمات، والرعاية الصحية

Eric Hazen, MD


Approaches to Supporting Children with Medical Illness – April 28th 11:00 AM EST

أساليب دعم الأطفال المصابين بأمراض عضوية

Eric Hazen, MD


Psychosomatic Disorders – May 5th 11:00 AM EST

الاضطرابات السيكوسوماتية

Eric Hazen, MD


Psychosocial Considerations in Specific Medical Conditions – May 12th 11:00 AM EST

الاعتبارات النفسية والاجتماعية في حالات مرضية محددة

Eric Hazen, MD


Developmental Disorders and Medical Illness – May 19th 11:00 AM EST

الاضطرابات النمائية والحالات المرضية

Eric Hazen, MD


Altered Mental Status and Summary/Conclusions – June 2nd 11:00 AM EST

التغيرات في الحالة النفسية / الملخص والاستنتاجات

Eric Hazen, MD





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