Module-II: Genetic, Cognitive, and Neural Correlates


  1. GENETICS – Elise Robinson, MD
  2. NEUROPSYCHOLOGY – Ronna Fried, MD
    • Executive dysfunction
    • Neurocognitive assessment
  3. NEURO-IMAGING – Gagan Joshi, MD
    • Glutamate Dysregulation in Autism and associated psychopathology
    • Aberrant neural connectivity in Autism and associated psychopathology

Learning Objectives


At the end of this learning activity, participants should be able to:

  1. Identify different types of genetic variables that are associated with ASD.
  2. Describe how heterogeneity in ASD is related to heterogeneity in its genetic architecture.
  3. Identify the relationship between varying clinical presentation of ASD and the probability of identifying a returnable genetic diagnosis.


At the end of this learning activity, participants should be able to:

  1. Identify the neuropsychological profile of Individuals with ASD.
  2. Describe the differences in test results between Controls, ADHD and ASD.
  3. Identify how testing can give a picture of how to understand individual’s psychological functioning in daily life.


At the end of this learning activity, participants should be able to:

  1. Identify the neural underpinning of autism.
  2. Explain the neural underpinning of psychopathology frequently associated with ASD.
  3. Identify subtype of autism based on glutamate dysregulation.
Course summary
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Module-II: Genetic, Cognitive, and Neural Correlates [Q&A with Ronna Fried, GJ]

  1. GENETICS – Elise Robinson, MD
  2. NEUROPSYCHOLOGY – Ronna Fried, MD
    • Executive dysfunction
    • Neurocognitive assessment
  3. NEURO-IMAGING – Gagan Joshi, MD
    • Glutamate Dysregulation in Autism and associated psychopathology
    • Aberrant neural connectivity in Autism and associated psychopathology

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