OCD Subtypes

Lesser-known subtypes of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder: A course for healthcare providers

This 3-hour long course covers 5 lesser-known subtypes of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. These include: Sexual Orientation OCD, Self-harm OCD, Aggressive OCD, Relationship OCD, and Pedophilia OCD. The course will include several role plays to help demonstrate how health care workers might go about diagnosing a patient with OCD. By the end of the course, health care workers will learn about the prevalence of these subtypes and will know how to identify patients in their practices who suffer from these types of OCD. They will learn about what Cognitive Behavioral Therapy with these individuals might look like. They will also learn about what to do when their OCD patients suffer from a co-occurring disorder that requires a different type of treatment. By identifying OCD patients in their practices, health care workers have the power to prevent years of suffering for their patients with OCD and to get them the help they so desperately need.

Learning Objectives

At the end of this program, participants will be able to: 

  • List 5 lesser-known subtypes of OCD
  • Identify prevalence rates of these subtypes
  • Describe questions to ask to properly distinguish OCD from another disorder
  • Identify patients in their practices who suffer from these subtypes of OCD
  • Discuss good treatment strategies for these subtypes
Course summary
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Course closes: 

Lesser-known Subtypes of OCD and Differential Diagnosis:

  • Sexual orientation OCD
  • Pedophilia OCD
  • Relationship OCD
  • Suicidal/self-harm OCD
  • Aggressive OCD

Key points:

1. Distinguish:

  • Sexual Orientation Obsessions vs. Coming out as Gay/Lesbian/Bisexual/etc
  • Pedophilia Obsessions vs. Pedophilia
  • Relationship Obsessions vs. Relationship difficulties/Personality Disorders
  • Suicidal/Self-harm Obsessions vs. Depression/Suicidal Ideation
  • Aggressive Obsessions vs. Being violent/aggressive

2. Describe prevalence rates of these subtypes

3. Briefly discuss treatment options for these subtypes

Please login or register to take this course.

Expiration Date: June 4, 2024