Term 1 (2024)

الفصل الأول

Welcome to Term 1

Term 1 consists of two courses, Wellness and Resiliency in Children and their Communities and Introduction to Child Mental Health.

We would like to inform you about the dates and times for the In-person workshop led by teaching faculty visiting from Boston. 
The workshop will be held for 4 days in a row. 

Starting from: November 21st - November 24th, 2024

Time: TBA 

Location: Alfaisal University in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. 

Please note that it is essential for everyone in the CMH program to be present. 

Q&A with Faculty

Zoom link for all Q&A sessions:





Ed K.S. Wang, MS, PsyD


September 25th

Myron Belfer + Lamis S. Solaim


Ed K.S. Wang, MS, PsyD


September 30th

Lamise S. Solaim, PhD


Ed K.S. Wang, MS, PsyD


October 7th

Gordon Harper, MD


Ed K.S. Wang, MS, PsyD


October 14th

Usman Ghumann, MD


Anne Fishel, PhD


October 21st

Anne Fishel, PhD


Anne Fishel, PhD


October 28th

Anne Fishel, PhD


Gene Beresin, MD


November 4th

David Rubin, MD


Gene Beresin, MD & Lamise S. Solaim, PhD


November 11th

David Rubin, MD


 Exam 1: November 18th 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM

Exam 2: November 19th 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM

Community Support 

Lamis S. Solaim, PhD, CPsychol, AFBPsS
Founder & Executive Director
MGH/Alfaisal Child Mental Health Program

Najla Aljoudi 
Community Leader

For technical support, please contact MGH at camentalhealth_tech@mgh.harvard.edu.


  • 40% attendance/active participation: The overall mission of this program is to build a community of child mental health workers.  For the reason, your attendance and active participation in the Q&A sessions, on the discussion board, and during the in-person workshops is an essential part of this journey.
  • 30% final tests: a computer generated MCQ test will be administered at the end of each course
  • 30% final project: a small scale project is required at the end of the program.  There will be a full information session on the final project in term two.

User Guide








Course summary
Registration opens: 
Course closes: 

Wellness and Resiliency in Children and their Communities

الصحة و المرونة النفسية عند الاطفال و مجتمعاتهم

Healthy Childhood Development & Why Children Behave the Way they Behave
الصحة النمائية في مرحلة الطفولة
لماذا يتصرف الأطفال بالطريقة التي يتصرفون بها

Edward K.S. Wang, MS, PsyD

Coping and Growing with Stress & Building Resilience
النمو و التعامل مع الضغوطات النفسية

بناء المرونة النفسية

Edward K.S. Wang, MS, PsyD

Harnessing the Power of Family Meals to Benefit Children & Parents
توظيف الوجبات الأسرية لتقوية علاقة الابناء بالوالدين 

Anne Fishel, PhD

The Role of Nutrition in Mental Health
دور التغذية في الصحة النفسية

Anne Fishel, PhD

Childhood in the Age of Digital Media
الطفولة في عصر الإعلام الرقمي

Gene Beresin, MD

Childhood in the Age of Digital Media Conversation
حوار حول 
الطفولة في عصر الإعلام الرقمي

Gene Beresin, MD & Lamis S. Solaim, PhD

Introduction to Child Mental Health

مقدمة في الصحة النفسية للطفل

Introduction to Child Mental Health
مقدمة في الصحة النفسية للطفل

Myron Belfer, MD, MPA & Lamis S. Solaim, PhD

Approaches to Child Development: How to see Children & The Key to Helping Them
الأساليب النمائية: كيف نرى الأطفال وكيفية مساعدتهم 

Gordon Harper, MD

Child Development & Developmental Psychopathology
تنمية الطفل والاضطرابات النفسية النمائية

Lamis S. Solaim, PhD

Introduction Thinking in Systems
مقدمة في التفكير المنظومي 

Anne Fishel, PhD

Family Systems
النظم الأسرية 

Anne Fishel, PhD

Developmental Psychopathology I
الاضطرابات النفسية النمائية  l

David Rubin, MD

Developmental Psychopathology II
الاضطرابات النفسية النمائية II

David Rubin, MD

Autism Spectrum Disorder
اضطراب طيف التوحد

Gagan Joshi, MD

Term 1 Faculty – September 2024

Lamis S. Solaim, PhD
Myron Belfer, MD, MPA
Gordon Harper, MD
Anne Fishel, PhD
David Rubin, MD
Gagan Joshi, MD
Edward K.S. Wang, MS, PsyD
Gene Beresin, MD

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Please login or register to take this course.
Please login or register to take this course.
Please login or register to take this course.
Please login or register to take this course.