Dermatology Bootcamp



A crash course in dermatology about the skin, hair, and nails for healthcare professionals of all backgrounds.

In response to the high demand of requests for Dermatology education and lectures from our colleagues, the faculty of the MGH Dermatology Department will provide a 2 day crash course for physicians, nurse practitioners, and physician assistants on the basic triage and management of common conditions affecting the skin, hair and nails.

We will cover hot topics such as updates in skin cancer, eczema and psoriasis, pediatric dermatology, contact allergies, urgent and emergent dermatologic conditions, hair disorders, cosmetics, and telemedicine. Participants in this course will be taught the tools to interface more efficiently with dermatologists and manage basic dermatologic problems for their patients.

Conference will be held in Eastern Standard Time (EST).


MDs/Doctoral-Level Professionals/Healthcare Professionals
Super Early Bird Registration (on or before February 8, 2021): $550
Early Bird Registration (on or before March 1, 2021): $599
Regular Registration (after March 1, 2021): $650

Other Professionals
Super Early Bird Registration (on or before February 8, 2021): $450
Early Bird Registration (on or before March 1, 2021): $499
Regular Registration (after March 1, 2021): $550

Students and Residents
This rate is not eligible for further discounts.
Super Early Bird Registration (on or before February 8, 2021): $100
Early Bird Registration (on or before March 1, 2021): $150
Regular Registration (after March 1, 2021):  $200

Cancellation Policy

A refund minus a $100.00 administrative fee will be issued for refund requests received by February 9, 2021. No refunds will be issued for refund requests made after February 9, 2021. Payments made may not be applied to future conferences or other educational activities.  There are no exceptions to these policies.

***The deeply discounted Super Early Bird Registration rate is NON-REFUNDABLE and NON-TRANSFERABLE and will not be refunded under any circumstances.


We provide all attendees with completely free access to all slide presentations in digital PDF format prior to the conference. This is an environmentally friendly alternative and helps keep costs lower for all attendees. The e-syllabus will be available for 30 days after the conference. 

Target Audience

Physicians of All Specialties, Physician Assistants, Nurse Practitioners, Psychologists, and Social Workers

Learning Objectives

At the end of this educational activity, participants should be able to:

  • Describe and identify skin lesions properly so that they can more effectively consult dermatologists.
  • Identify basic dermatology problems, both the common and the acute/dangerous that are emergencies Manage basic dermatology problems in their own practices and know when to refer to a specialist.
  • Discuss environmental and genetic risk factors for the most common type of skin cancers (basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and melanoma).
  • Discuss treatment options for skin cancer, including topical treatments, light-based treatment, destructive and surgical modalities (including Mohs surgery)Provide a user-friendly algorithm to help skin cancer triaging.
  • Identify to properly diagnose common hair loss conditions and avoid misdiagnoses.
  • Develop a standardized approach to hair loss evaluation and work up.
  • Recognize signs of "hair emergencies" that require prompt referral to dermatology.
  • Identify the therapeutic options for treating common hair loss conditions.
  • Recognize the significant impact that hair loss has on patients.
  • Analyze new treatments for hair loss disorders.
  • Identify basic dermatology problems, both the common and the acute/dangerous that are emergencies in patients of all skin types.
  • Manage basic dermatology problems in your own practice in a culturally competent way and know when to refer to a specialist.
Course summary
Available credit: 
  • 16.00 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™

    This activity has been planned and implemented in accordance with the accreditation requirements and policies of the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) through the joint providership of McLean Hospital and Massachusetts General Hospital. McLean Hospital is accredited by the ACCME to provide continuing medical education for physicians.

    McLean Hospital designates this Enduring activity for a maximum of 16.00 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™. Physicians should only claim credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.

  • 16.00 Nursing Contact Hours

    Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 13, sections 13, 14, 14A, 15 and 15D and Chapter 112, sections 74 through 81C authorize the Board of Registration in Nursing to regulate nursing practice and education.

    This program meets the requirements of the Massachusetts Board of Registration in Nursing (244 CMR 5.00) for 16.00 contact hours of nursing continuing education credit. Advance practice nurses, please note: Educational activities which meet the requirements of the ACCME (such as this activity) count towards 50% of the nursing requirement for ANCC accreditation.

  • 16.00 Social Workers

    The Collaborative of NASW, Boston College, and Simmons College Schools of Social Work authorizes social work continuing education credits for courses, workshops, and educational programs that meet the criteria outlined in 258 CMR of the Massachusetts Board of Registration of Social Workers

    This program has been approved for 16.00 Social Work Continuing Education hours for relicensure, in accordance with 258 CMR. Collaborative of NASW and the Boston College and Simmons Schools of Social Work Authorization Number D 81480-1

  • 16.00 Participation

    This course allows other providers to claim a Participation Certificate upon successful completion of this course.

    Participation Certificates will specify the title, location, type of activity, date of activity, and number of AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™ associated with the activity. Providers should check with their regulatory agencies to determine ways in which AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™ may or may not fulfill continuing education requirements. Providers should also consider saving copies of brochures, agenda, and other supporting documents.

Registration opens: 
Course closes: 

The conference will be held in Eastern Standard Time.

Friday, April 9, 2021


Agenda Item

Start Time

End Time

Speaker Name

Welcome and Introduction to the Field of Dermatology

8:00:00 AM

8:10:00 AM

Shadi Kourosh, MD, MPH


Decoding Dermatology Terms: How to understand and speak the language of your dermatologist

8:10:00 AM

8:30:00 AM

Ernesto Gonzalez, MD


Skin Cancer Crash Course:      Part 1: "Spotting Spots - Those we live with and those we die of " Recognizing Melanoma, Moles and the mimickers                

8:30:00 AM

9:00:00 AM

 Hensin Tsao, MD, PhD


Skin Cancer Crash Course:      Part 2: "Recognition and Management of Non-Melanoma Skin Cancers"                

9:00:00 AM

9:20:00 AM

Victor Neel, MD, PhD


Dermatology 911 - Life Threatening Rashes and what do to

9:20:00 AM

9:40:00 AM

Steven Chen, MD, MPH


Say No to Drugs - but which ones? Recognizing Drug Reactions in the Skin and their culprits

9:40:00 AM

10:00:00 AM

Steven Chen, MD, MPH


Q & A

10:00:00 AM

10:20:00 AM

All Speakers




10:20:00 AM


10:40:00 AM



Skin Souvenirs - Rashes in Returning Travelers


10:40:00 AM


11:00:00 AM


Esther Freeman, MD, PhD


ABC’s of STDs: a focus on recognition


11:00:00 AM


11:20:00 AM


Esther Freeman, MD, PhD

COVID Dermatology

11:20:00 AM

11:40:00 AM

Esther Freeman, MD, PhD

Q & A

11:40:00 AM

12:00:00 PM

All Speakers


12:00:00 PM

1:00:00 PM


Tech in Dermatology

1:00:00 PM

1:20:00 PM

Joseph Kvedar, MD

Beyond the Red Leg: Cellulitis and its Mimickers

1:20:00 PM

1:40:00 PM

Daniela Kroshinsky, MD, MPH

Itching for Answers: Approaching the work up for itchy patients and the various causes of pruritus

1:40:00 PM

2:00:00 PM

Sarina Elmariah, MD, PhD

Getting Hives Just thinking about it - Approach to the work up and management of urticaria

2:00:00 PM

2:20:00 PM

Sarina Elmariah, MD, PhD

Q & A

2:20:00 PM

2:40:00 PM

All Speakers


2:40:00 PM

3:00:00 PM


Birthmarks, Bumps and Beyond

3:00:00 PM

3:20:00 PM

Elena Hawryluk, MD, PhD


Baby Rashes - Skin Eruptions in newborns and infants: common place and the concerning

3:20:00 PM

3:40:00 PM

Elena Hawryluk, MD, PhD


Warts, Bites and Molluscum


3:40:00 PM


4:00:00 PM


Mariko Yasuda, MD


Q & A


4:00:00 PM


4:20:00 PM


All Speakers


4:20:00 PM

4:40:00 PM


Breaking down Breakouts: Facing Facial Eruptions -how to tell what they are and what to do

4:40:00 PM

5:00:00 PM

Mariko Yasuda, MD

Atopic Dermatitis/Eczema in Children

5:00:00 PM

5:20:00 PM

JiaDe Yu, MD

Overview of Allergic Contact Dermatitis in Children

5:20:00 PM

5:40:00 PM

JiaDe Yu, MD

Dermatology Nursing and Patient Advocacy

5:40:00 PM

6:00:00 PM



Moderator: Maura Flynn, MPP, RN, DNC, Brie Trefrey, RN, BSN, DNC, Claire Wood

Q & A Panel

6:00:00 PM

6:30:00 PM

All Speakers

Closing Remarks and Q&A

6:30:00 PM

7:00:00 PM

Shadi Kourosh, MD, MPH


Saturday, April 10, 2021


Agenda Item

Start Date and Time

End Date and Time

Speaker Name





Welcome and Introduction to the Special Topics of the Day

8:00:00 AM

8:20:00 AM

Shadi Kourosh, MD, MPH

Skin Cancer Crash Course - Part 3:  "Risky Business" - Understanding True Risk Factors and Associations for Skin Cancer

8:20:00 AM

8:40:00 AM

Shawn Demehri, MD, PhD

"Burns for Beginners" How the Experts Manage Burns and Wounds

8:40:00 AM

9:00:00 AM

Jonathan Friedstat, MD, MPH

Scarred for Life? Maybe not…

9:00:00 AM

9:20:00 AM

Jonathan Friedstat, MD, MPH

Exposures and Occupational Hazards for the Skin - Contact Dermatitis from the patient's environment

9:20:00 AM

9:40:00 AM

Ernesto Gonzalez, MD

Panel Q & A

9:40:00 AM

10:00:00 AM

All Speakers


10:00:00 AM

10:20:00 AM


Help my Hair is Falling Out - Part 1 - The Work up for Various Causes of Hair Loss

10:20:00 AM

10:40:00 AM


Natasha Atanaskova Mesinkovska, MD, PhD

Help my Hair is Falling Out - Part 2 - Managing Hair Loss

10:40:00 AM

11:00:00 AM


Natasha Atanaskova Mesinkovska, MD, PhD

Skin signs of Systemic/Rheumatic Disease

11:00:00 AM

11:20:00 AM

Gideon Smith, MD, PhD, MPH

Sunscreens Made Simple

11:20:00 AM

11:40:00 AM

Neera Nathan, MD, MSHS

"Nailing it" - nail melanoma, tumors and disorders, how nail biopsies work and when they should be utilized

11:40:00 AM

12:00:00 PM

Ellen Roh, MD

Panel Q & A

12:00:00 PM

12:30:00 PM

All Speakers


12:30:00 PM

1:30:00 PM


Dermatology Therapeutics: Bread and Butter and Beyond

1:30:00 PM

1:50:00 PM

Bonnie Mackool, MD, MSPH

Over the Counter Dermatology

1:50:00 PM

2:10:00 PM

Bonnie Mackool, MD, MSPH

Powering through Pigmentary Problems - Vitiligo, Melasma, Hyperpigmentation, and other causes of dark and light spots

2:10:00 PM

2:30:00 PM

Sandy Tsao, MD

Cosmeceuticals: A review of the scientific evidence

2:30:00 PM

2:50:00 PM

Molly Wanner, MD

The Cosmetic Consult

2:50:00 PM

3:10:00 PM

Sandy Tsao, MD


Panel Q & A


3:10:00 PM


3:30:00 PM


All Speakers




3:30:00 PM


4:00:00 PM



Recognizing and Treating Body Dysmorphic Disorder

4:00:00 PM

4:30:00 PM

Lisa Zakhary, MD, PhD


Q&A and Closing Remarks


4:30:00 PM


5:00:00 PM


Shadi Kourosh, MD, MPH





Natasha Atanaskova Mesinkovska, MD, PhD

has no relevant financial relationships to disclose at this time.

Steven Chen, MD, MPH, MS-HPEd

has a financial relationship (Professional Services) with VisualDx;.

Shawn Demehri, MD, PhD

has no relevant financial relationships to disclose at this time.

Sarina Elmariah, MD, PhD

has a financial relationship (Professional Services) with Galderma;.
has a financial relationship (Professional Services) with Trevi Therapeutics;.
has a financial relationship (Professional Services) with Sanofi-Genzyme, Regeneron, RAPT Therapeutics, Incyte;.

Maura Flynn, MPP, RN, DNC

has no relevant financial relationships to disclose at this time.

Esther Freeman, MD, PhD

has a financial relationship (Other) with UpToDate;.

Jonathan Friedstat, MD, MPH, FACS

has no relevant financial relationships to disclose at this time.

Ernesto Gonzalez, MD

has no relevant financial relationships to disclose at this time.

Elena Hawryluk, MD, PhD

has no relevant financial relationships to disclose at this time.

Daniela Kroshinsky, MD, MPH

has no relevant financial relationships to disclose at this time.

Joseph Kvedar, MD

has no relevant financial relationships to disclose at this time.

Bonnie Mackool, MD

has no relevant financial relationships to disclose at this time.

Neera Nathan, MD, MSHS

has no relevant financial relationships to disclose at this time.

Victor Neel, MD, PhD

has no relevant financial relationships to disclose at this time.

Ellen Roh, MD

has no relevant financial relationships to disclose at this time.

Gideon Smith, MD, PhD

has no relevant financial relationships to disclose at this time.

Nicholas Theodosakis, MD, PhD

has no relevant financial relationships to disclose at this time.

Hensin Tsao, MD, PhD

has no relevant financial relationships to disclose at this time.

Sandy Tsao, MD

has no relevant financial relationships to disclose at this time.

Molly Wanner, MD

has no relevant financial relationships to disclose at this time.

Mariko Yasuda, MD

has no relevant financial relationships to disclose at this time.

Jiade Yu, MD, FAAD

has no relevant financial relationships to disclose at this time.

Lisa Zakhary, MD, PhD

has no relevant financial relationships to disclose at this time.

Available Credit

  • 16.00 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™

    This activity has been planned and implemented in accordance with the accreditation requirements and policies of the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) through the joint providership of McLean Hospital and Massachusetts General Hospital. McLean Hospital is accredited by the ACCME to provide continuing medical education for physicians.

    McLean Hospital designates this Enduring activity for a maximum of 16.00 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™. Physicians should only claim credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.

  • 16.00 Nursing Contact Hours

    Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 13, sections 13, 14, 14A, 15 and 15D and Chapter 112, sections 74 through 81C authorize the Board of Registration in Nursing to regulate nursing practice and education.

    This program meets the requirements of the Massachusetts Board of Registration in Nursing (244 CMR 5.00) for 16.00 contact hours of nursing continuing education credit. Advance practice nurses, please note: Educational activities which meet the requirements of the ACCME (such as this activity) count towards 50% of the nursing requirement for ANCC accreditation.

  • 16.00 Social Workers

    The Collaborative of NASW, Boston College, and Simmons College Schools of Social Work authorizes social work continuing education credits for courses, workshops, and educational programs that meet the criteria outlined in 258 CMR of the Massachusetts Board of Registration of Social Workers

    This program has been approved for 16.00 Social Work Continuing Education hours for relicensure, in accordance with 258 CMR. Collaborative of NASW and the Boston College and Simmons Schools of Social Work Authorization Number D 81480-1

  • 16.00 Participation

    This course allows other providers to claim a Participation Certificate upon successful completion of this course.

    Participation Certificates will specify the title, location, type of activity, date of activity, and number of AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™ associated with the activity. Providers should check with their regulatory agencies to determine ways in which AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™ may or may not fulfill continuing education requirements. Providers should also consider saving copies of brochures, agenda, and other supporting documents.

Welcome to the Virtual Exhibit Hall. Analogous to booths at scientific conferences, this is a space where companies share information about their products and services, showcase their latest innovations, and connect with attendees, faculty and course directors. Check out the "booths" below to learn about each exhibitor and get connected!





Company Website

Explore our Virtual Booth

Contact Information:

Adam Pardo
Dermatological Sales Professional
[email protected]

Nicole Moses
Dermatological Sales Professional
[email protected]


Company Website

Contact Information:

For Medical Information Questions:
Medical Info Request Form
Click Here

For all other inquiries:
US Customer Service
[email protected]

Call us at:


Company Website

Contact Information:

Amit Rosenberg
Unilever Medial Marketing Manager 
[email protected]

Tara Gerity
Unilever Associate Medial Marketing Manager
[email protected]

Call us at:



Company Website

Contact Information:

Douglas Scanlon
Account Specialist Dermatology
[email protected]

Mark McKinney
District Business Manager
[email protected]



Company Website

Contact Information:

Ben Carr

Call us at:



Company Website

Contact Information:

[email protected]

Call us at:





Please login or register to take this course.


Arianne Shadi Kourosh, MD, MPH
Jane Pimental, MPH

David H. Rubin, MD, reviewer
Susan E. Sprich, PhD psychologist reviwer

Policy on Faculty and Provider Disclosure

It is the policy of McLean Hospital that faculty and providers disclose real or apparent conflicts of interest relating to the topics of this educational activity. McLean Hospital has established policies in place that identify and resolve all conflicts of interest prior to this educational activity.

Resolution of Conflict of Interest (COI)

McLean Hospital has implemented a process to resolve COI for each CME activity. In order to help ensure content objectivity, independence, fair balance and ensure that the content is aligned with the interest of the public, McLean Hospital has resolved the conflict by External Content Review.