Wellness and Resiliency in Children and their Communities (Cohort 3)

الصحة والمرونة النفسية
عند الأطفال ومجتمعاتهم

Developing knowledge of wellness and resilience are critical for behavioral health and human services providers who work with children, families and the community. The knowledge and skills-based acquisition are useful in all practice settings across mental health, primary care, school, social work and child-welfare.

The goal of the lectures is to strengthen families by promoting wellness and healthy parenting so that children are safe, nurtured and supported in reaching their full potential in the community where they live. The four interactive online lectures provide an overview of the science of brain and child development, understanding and coping with acute and chronic stress. The lectures also provide practice-based evidence to promote individual, family wellness and community resilience that is culturally relevant to the socio-cultural-historical context in Saudi.

An array of reading resources, videos and experiential approaches are used to enhance the learning experience. Virtual discussion follows each lecture during the same week. Each virtual discussion enhances the knowledge and skill acquisition with the exchange of cultural definitions, cultural assessment of family values, codes of conduct, rules and expectations to formulate intervention strategies.

Visit the Faculty tab for more information about our speakers.

Learning Objectives

After this module participants should be able to:

  • Explain how stress impacts brain development
  • Discuss family and community resilience and wellness in context of Saudi Arabia
  • Demonstrate techniques to strengthen individual and community resilience design all intervening techniques that are culturally relevant and effective in Saudi Arabia
  • Describe what atmosphere around the table promotes physical and mental health
  • Discuss the key elements of media literacy
Course summary
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Part of: 

Wellness and Resiliency in Children and their Communities

الصحة و المرونة النفسية عند الاطفال و مجتمعاتهم

Healthy Childhood Development & Why Children Behave the Way they Behave
الصحة النمائية في مرحلة الطفولة
لماذا يتصرف الأطفال بالطريقة التي يتصرفون بها

Edward K.S. Wang, MS, PsyD

Coping and Growing with Stress & Building Resilience
النمو و التعامل مع الضغوطات النفسية

بناء المرونة النفسية

Edward K.S. Wang, MS, PsyD

Harnessing the Power of Family Meals to Benefit Children & Parents
توظيف الوجبات الأسرية لتقوية علاقة الابناء بالوالدين 

Anne Fishel, PhD

The Role of Nutrition in Mental Health
دور التغذية في الصحة النفسية

Anne Fishel, PhD

Childhood in the Age of Digital Media
الطفولة في عصر الإعلام الرقمي

Gene Beresin, MD

Childhood in the Age of Digital Media Conversation
حوار حول 
الطفولة في عصر الإعلام الرقمي

Gene Beresin, MD & Lamis S. Solaim, PhD

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