School Mental Health (Cohort 2)



Schools are among the most important places to develop good mental health. Children spend thousands of hours at school, and mental health symptoms often show up at school.  About 1 in 6 children experience mental health symptoms that interfere with school performance, and most students receive help and treatment for mental health issues at school.  Preparing teachers to use strategies to help students cope with stress and to develop positive mental health, and equipping teachers with strategies to address mental health symptoms that do arise, improve the child’s success in the classroom with teachers and peers.  This course will prepare participants to assess a school, to practice strategies for working effectively with school staff, to provide school staff effective interventions to help students showing disruptive behavior, anxiety, sadness, trouble focusing and completing work, and conflict with others.  This course will also prepare participants to help schools respond to disasters or difficult local events.  Finally, this course will prepare participants to help school staff apply positive mental health practices in their own lives to function effectively at school and with others.

Q&A with Faculty

Zoom link for all Q&A sessions:

The Q&As for this term are 1 hr. Each Q&A covers two lecture topics.

Q&A Dates Faculty

January 9th, 2023

6:00 PM

Ellen Braaten, PhD

7:00 PM

Jeff Bostic, MD   

January 16th, 2023

6:00 PMEllen Braaten, PhD 
7:00 PMJeff Bostic, MD   
January 23rd, 20236:00 PMEllen Braaten, PhD
7:00 PMJeff Bostic, MD   
January 30th, 20236:00 PMEllen Braaten, PhD
7:00 PMJeff Bostic, MD     
February 6th, 20236:00 PMEllen Braaten, PhD
7:00 PMJeff Bostic, MD   

February 13th, 2023

6:00 PM

Ellen Braaten, PhD 
7:00 PMJeff Bostic, MD   

February 20th, 2023

6:00 PMEllen Braaten, PhD 

7:00 PM

Jeff Bostic, MD   

February 27th, 2023

6:00 PMEllen Braaten, PhD 

7:00 PM

Jeff Bostic, MD   

Final Exam

The School Mental Health final exam will be on:

The exam dates are scheduled for February 28-29, 2023 

This course is pass/fail. You must score 50% or greater on the final exam to pass.

Learning Objectives

By the end of Module 1, participants will be able to:

  • Describe a 5-part consultation framework for working with schools.
  • Identify 3 brain changes that occur during childhood and adolescence that impact learning and social-emotional health.
  • Describe 3 consultation principles to enhance school staff use of consultant recommendations.

By the end of Module 2, participants will be able to:

  • Describe what factors most influence change through counseling.
  • Use 4 communication techniques to build rapport when providing consultation.
  • Describe 3 techniques for addressing barriers to implementing recommendations.
  • Apply 3 motivational interviewing techniques to school consultation situations.

By the end of Module 3, participants will be able to:

  • Describe 6 common elements to improve student mental health.
  • Apply 7 steps of behavioral planning to school consultations.
  • Describe 3 steps of collaborative problem-solving to address student conflicts.
  • Describe 3 fundamental components of functional behavioral assessment for school consultations.

By the end of Module 4, participants will be able to:

  • Describe 3 techniques for initially addressing student worries at school.
  • Describe 3 techniques for managing physical responses to stress at school.
  • Describe 4 positive coping techniques for stress and anxiety at school.
  • Describe 3 cognitive and behavioral interventions for anxiety at school.
  • Describe 3 relaxation strategies for managing stress at school.

By the end of Module 5, participants should be able to:

  • Describe 3 techniques for improving physical components of sadness at school.
  • Describe 3 cognitive and behavioral techniques for managing distressing mood at school
  • Discuss how thoughts, feelings, and behaviors impact moods at school.
  • Identify 5 active and passive interventions to student sadness at school.

By the end of Module 6, participants should be able to:

  • Describe 5 structural strategies to improve student attention.
  • Describe 5 cognitive interventions to improve student attention.
  • Describe 3 strategies for effective activity scheduling and time management.
  • Describe 4 steps for effective goal-setting at school.

By the end of Module 7, participants will be able to:

  • Describe 3 techniques for addressing bullies, victims, and bystanders at school.
  • Apply 3 strategies to reduce bullying situations at school.
  • Describe 3 strategies to address cyberbullying at school.
  • Describe 5 steps to respond to negative events (e.g., student death) at school.

By the end of Module 8, participants will be able to:

  • Distinguish teacher burnout from compassion fatigue.
  • Describe their functioning in 5 domains of well-being.
  • Identify helpful resilience strategies for each of 5 domains of well-being.
  • Describe 4 effective change talk strategies to help people make lifestyle changes.
Course summary
Registration opens: 
Course closes: 


School Mental Health

الصحة النفسية المدرسية

January 9, 2023 - February 27, 2023

Jeff Bostic, MD


Working with Schools
العمل مع المدارس

Common Factors Important for Therapeutic Relationships

العوامل المشتركة الهامة للعلاقات العلاجية

Common Elements and Managing Difficult Behavior

العناصر المشتركة في التعامل مع السلوك الصعب

Managing Student Worries and Fears

التعامل مع القلق والمخاوف عند الطالب

Managing Sadness and Unpleasant Moods

التعامل مع الحزن واضطراب المزاج

Improving Attention and Focus

تقوية الانتباه والتركيز

Helping Schools Manage Difficult Events

مساعدة المدارس على التعامل مع الاحداث الصعبة

Promoting School Staff Well-being

تعزيز رفاهية الموظفين في المدرسة

Register/Take course

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