Interventions in Child Mental Health (Cohort 2)
This course will review the theoretical basis and practical applications of evidence-based psychotherapies for children and adolescents. It will focus on well-established therapeutic skills for children with mild-to-moderate mental health needs and their families. The course will review case conceptualization and the application of cognitive-behavioral skills including relaxation and mindfulness skills to reduce physiologic arousal, cognitive strategies to address unhelpful thought processes and enhance coping and resilience, and behavioral skills to reduce maladaptive avoidance, increase engagement in pleasant and meaningful activities, and enhance positive parenting practices.
The presenter will review strategies to enhance child and family engagement and address common challenges when conducing therapy with youth. The course will incorporate online and in-person didactic training with role plays to illustrate key concepts, and regular group supervision calls to discuss cases and facilitate application of therapy skills in a culturally informed manner.
An array of reading resources, videos and experiential approaches are used to enhance the learning experience. Virtual discussion follows each lecture during the same week. Each virtual discussion enhances the knowledge and skill acquisition with the exchange of cultural definitions, cultural assessment of family values, codes of conduct, rules and expectations to formulate intervention strategies.
Q&A with Faculty
Zoom link for all Q&A sessions 10/2/2023-11/20/2023 with Dr. Henin: https://partners.zoom.us/j/84369283114
Q&A Dates | Faculty | |
October 2nd | 5:00 PM | Giuseppe Raviola, MD |
6:00 PM | Aude Henin, PhD | |
October 9th | 5:00 PM | Giuseppe Raviola, MD |
6:00 PM | Aude Henin, PhD | |
October 16th | 5:00 PM | Giuseppe Raviola, MD |
6:00 PM | Aude Henin, PhD | |
October 23rd | 5:00 PM | Giuseppe Raviola, MD |
6:00 PM | Aude Henin, PhD | |
October 30th | 5:00 PM | Giuseppe Raviola, MD |
6:00 PM | Aude Henin, PhD | |
November 6th | 6:00 PM | Giuseppe Raviola, MD |
7:00 PM | Aude Henin, PhD | |
November 13th | 6:00 PM | Giuseppe Raviola, MD |
7:00 PM | Aude Henin, PhD | |
November 20th | 6:00 PM | Giuseppe Raviola, MD |
7:00 PM | Aude Henin, PhD |
Final Exam Schedule:
- November 27, 2023: 6:00-8:00PM KSA: Interventions in Child Mental Health
Learning Objectives
After this module participants should be able to:
- Design an individualized intervention plan based on conceptualization of the presenting case
- Use relaxation and mindfulness-based techniques to address symptoms of stress in youth
- Use cognitive-behavioral techniques to address anxiety conditions in youth
- Use cognitive-behavioral techniques to address symptoms of depression in youth
- Discuss how to incorporate parents and families into sessions, as appropriate
- Describe common challenges in therapy and how to adapt treatment accordingly
Interventions in Child Mental Health 1
التدخلات في مجال الصحة النفسية للأطفال 1
October 2, 2023 - November 20, 2023
Aude Henin, PhD
Introduction to Child Intervention Techniques - October 2nd 6:00PM KSA
مقدمة في تقنيات التدخل المبكر للأطفال
Techniques to Reduce Physiologic Symptoms of Stress - October 9th 6:00PM KSA
تقنيات للحد من الاعراض الفسيولوجية للتوتر
Cognitive Restructuring Techniques - October 16th 6:00PM KSA
تقنيات إعادة الهيكلة المعرفية
Behavioral Techniques to Reduce Anxiety-Based Avoidance - October 23rd 6:00PM KSA
الأساليب السلوكية للحد من الانسحاب الناتج من القلق
CBT Techniques to Address Mood Problems - October 30th 6:00PM KSA
تقنيات العلاج المعرفي السلوكي لمعالجة اضطرابات المزاج
Encouraging Healthy and Effective Behaviors - November 6th 6:00PM KSA
تشجيع السلوكيات الصحية والفعالة
Incorporating Families into Intervention - November 13th 6:00PM KSA
ادماج الاسر في التدخل المبكر
Developmental Adaptions/Special Populations - November 20th 6:00PM KSA
التكيف النمائي والفئات الخاصة